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Application Internet Operating System


The app based operating system for web applications sets new standards in development.

APPNETOS APPNETOS offers a complete system that covers everything for your web application. Multilingual CMS make applications easy to implement in many different languages.

By using apps as elements, building web applications is easier than ever. In the administraton section the parts to be configured individually and assigned to the pages. Most apps are multilingual and can instantly manage multiple languages. Due to the size settings, your web application is responsive with just a few clicks. In our marketplace you will find many great apps for many applications.

User management, user groups, multilingual CMS, app management, app installer, app creator, app marketplace, file manager, mailer, advanced cache system, and many more.

Licensed under the Apache2 license, the APPNETOS APPNETOS source code is open and free for all projects.

The best of everything united

The best of everything united

APPNETOS combines the best tools to get to your destination easily, quickly and efficiently.

APPNETOS APPNETOS uses the widely used scripting language PHP. PHP is perfect for creating dynamic web applications. The programming language is easy to learn and easy to use. APPNETOS APPNETOS makes it even easier to use PHP. The APP system already prepares most of it and making it easy to develop.

The most-used JavaScript library jQuery is also an integral part of APPNETOS APPNETOS. jQuery greatly simplifies many JavaScript actions. Thanks to numerous plugins, it can be expanded almost infinitely. It is also relatively easy for JavaScript beginners to write code for jQuery.

With Bootstrap, APPNETOS APPNETOS relies on a strong CSS framework. By using Bootstrap, you can quickly customize the look of your web application. The built-in grid system allows you to customize the size of your apps. With just a few clicks you can customize the output and create a perfect responsive result.

No matter how you like to process your output, APPNETOS APPNETOS can handle anything. Smarty and Twig are two popular and simple template engines. Or build your output with a PHP template or as a simple HTML. APPNETOS APPNETOS renders everything.

The best of everything united



You are a developer or programmer and just build awesome stuff? Then create a developer account now and benefit from our marketplace.

Developing cannot be easier. APPNETOS APPNETOS as a framework leaves nothing to be desired. The ingenious system relies on the simplest logic, which makes it easy to implement large projects. The possibilities are endless.

An APPNETOS APPNETOS developer account brings many advantages. Any app developed for APPNETOS APPNETOS is reusable and can be installed and used directly in any APPNETOS APPNETOS instance. Use our marketplace and make your app available worldwide and profit from your sales.


View useful app information directly into your dashboard.
This widget shows you the total number of apps, how many apps are currently active and how many apps are statically installed. With the built-in links, you can get directly to the desired app settings with one click.

- Dashboard widget
- Shows you the current status of your apps
- Built-in links to quickly get to the desired app settings
- Multilingual
- Widget in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- Add widget to dashboard
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With this app you add the jQuery plugin Magnific popup in the simplest way.
Magnific Popup is a jQuery Lightbox with many great possibilities.

Further information about the function can be found on the homepage.

Through the download and installation, you immediately have many new tools available for your HTML content.

- Single image Lightbox
- Lightbox Gallery
- Zoom Gallery
- Pop-up with video or cards
- Dialog with CSS Animation
- Pop-up with form
- AJAX pop-up
- Modal pop-up

Place the app at the top of a page.
If you use the CSS and JavaScript cache, no placement is necessary. The app only needs to be activated in this case.
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This app allows to easily overwrite all the strings using, from all apps, in all languages.
This requires no programming skills and no changes to the apps.
In the App Administration area, simply manage your overrides.
Create new overrides for the corresponding string and set new values.
The values can be customized for all languages that are active in language management.
The app does not have to be installed as an app in the CMS. It only needs to be installed and active.

- Adaptation of all strings possible
- Easy configuration via the app administration area
- No programming skills and no changes to the apps required
- Multilingual, strings can be configured for any language
- No installation in the CMS necessary
- No negative impact on the app cache
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Free for commercial and non-commercial project

- Install and activate the app
- App does not need to be installed in the CMS
- Configure strings by string key in the app administration area
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If you provide areas for registered users for your Web application, you can use this form to allow new users to register.
The app uses the APPNET OS system to create new users. It gives you two ways to register new users. With email verification and a simple registration without a confirmation of the email address.
The APPNET OS Mailer is used to confirm the email address. The newly logged in user will receive an email with a link to confirm when registering. In the APPNET OS Mailer settings, a mailbox must be configured to be assigned to the registration form in the APP Administrator. The mailer must be installed above the app. For security reasons, the APPNET OS Mailer should never be installed statically.

- Easy way to provide your users with a registration to your web application
- Easy configuration
- Offers two individual registration options. With and without email confirmation
- Multilingual
- Application area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Container app. Size configurable via app settings
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- When registering with email confirmation, configure mailbox for the APPNET OS Mailer, assign mailbox in the app administrator settings of the app, place mailer above this app.
- Place the app in a suitable place

- APPNET OS Mailer, for registrations with email verification
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Stay up-to-date and get the latest information about APPNETOS APPNETOS.

In our News Feed you will find important information about updates, hints about new tutorials or new posts in the documentation and information about new marketplace apps.


There are several ways you can use APPNETOS APPNETOS. Under Downloads you will find all further information.
Direct Download Direct Download
GitHub GitHub
Docker Docker
Docker-Compose Docker-Compose


No matter if you build a simple web application or develop your own apps for our marketplace. APPNETOS APPNETOS is easier than you think.

In our tutorial you will find a lot of application examples. There is something for every type of application.


Our complete documentation is always helpful to troubleshoot development problems or to quickly get information about classes, functions and methods.

In our APPNETOS APPNETOS documentation you will find information about all files of the system.