This page is based on APPNET OS and uses cookies to personalize. APPNET OS gives users the ability to decide how to use cookies themselves. However, there are also cookies that are required for the operation of a website. By using this website you agree to the use of necessary cookies.


Forms are important parts of a Web application.
To contact, upload and process files or for easy communication.
Here you will find many forms that can be easily and quickly integrated into your web application.


Use this form to give your users the ability to change your password.
Simply place this app in the appropriate location in your user area.
The app is fully automatic. No further configuration is necessary.

- Easy installation
- Fully automatic. No administration necessary
- Container app. Size configurable via app settings
- Multilingual
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Application area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- Place in a suitable place
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Use this simple contact form to give your users the opportunity to contact you securely.
Thanks to the APPNET OS Mailer, this contact form is quickly and easily installed in your web application. The used email address is not visible to the user and cannot be read by robots.
The installation is very simple. Configure a mailer mailbox in the Administrator pane and assign it to The App Administrator Settings. Place the Mailer app in front of this app on the desired page.

- Easy installation
- Easy to configure
- Secures your email address from unwanted access
- Container app. Size configurable via app settings
- Multilingual
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Application area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- Configure a mailbox for the APPNET OS Mailer
- Assign the mailbox in the App Administrator Settings
- Place the mailer in front of this app.
- Place the app in a suitable location.

- APPNET OS Mailer
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Cookie Note gives you the ability to provide your users with settings for the use of different types of cookies.
The app uses the built-in cookie system of APPNET OS. Only the cookies that the user agrees are allowed. This only works for apps that use the built-in cookie system.
The user is informed when the system tries to set an unauthorized cookie.
In the App Administrator Settings you can specify which types of cookies to block.

- Automatically generated cookie note
- Easy installation
- Easy configuration
- Container app. Size of the app can be easily configured in the app settings
- Color adjustment via CSS classes in the app settings
- Uses the APPNET OS Cookie Blocker System
- Informs the user when the system tries to set an unauthorized cookie
- Multilingual
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Application area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- Add as a static app at the top or bottom
- Configure display settings in the App Administrator Settings
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Secure your web application from unwanted access.
With this app you can save your entire web application or individual pages from unwanted access. If a user is not logged on, a login window is issued. Added as a static app above, only logged-in users can access your entire web application.
To keep individual pages safe from unregistered users' access, simply install the app at the top.

- Protection against unannounced users
- Easy implementation
- Can secure the complete web application or individual pages
- Multilingual
- Application area area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- Install
- Set as static app above to protect complete web application from unwanted access
- Set at the top of a page to protect individual pages from unwanted access
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With this app, you give your users the ability to reset the password.
By entering the email address, a link to reset the password is sent to the user. The app uses the APPNET OS Mailer. This allows it to be quickly integrated and configured. In the App Administrator settings, the mailbox of the APPNET OS mailer must be assigned. The mailer must be set above the app.

- Fast and uncomplicated integration
- Multilingual
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Application area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Container app. Size of the app can be easily configured in the app settings
- Uses the APPNET OS Mailer
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- Install app
- Configure Mailer Mailbox
- Assign Mailer mailbox in the App Administrator settings
- Set mailer above the app

- APPNET OS Mailer
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Use this sign in form to give your users an easy way to sign in to your web application.
The sign in form is very easy to install. The app is a container app and can be built anywhere in your web application.
The size can be configured via the app settings. Additional links to the registration page and password forgetting page can be defined via the App Administrator Settings.

- Easy configuration
- Fully automatic, very easy installation
- Multilingual
- Application area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Container app. Size configurable via app settings
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- Configure links in the app administrator settings
- Place the app in a suitable place
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If you provide areas for registered users for your Web application, you can use this form to allow new users to register.
The app uses the APPNET OS system to create new users. It gives you two ways to register new users. With email verification and a simple registration without a confirmation of the email address.
The APPNET OS Mailer is used to confirm the email address. The newly logged in user will receive an email with a link to confirm when registering. In the APPNET OS Mailer settings, a mailbox must be configured to be assigned to the registration form in the APP Administrator. The mailer must be installed above the app. For security reasons, the APPNET OS Mailer should never be installed statically.

- Easy way to provide your users with a registration to your web application
- Easy configuration
- Offers two individual registration options. With and without email confirmation
- Multilingual
- Application area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Container app. Size configurable via app settings
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- When registering with email confirmation, configure mailbox for the APPNET OS Mailer, assign mailbox in the app administrator settings of the app, place mailer above this app.
- Place the app in a suitable place

- APPNET OS Mailer, for registrations with email verification
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xtrose Captcha offers an uncomplicated integration of a captcha into forms.
Through the administration area, both the length and the color of the captcha can be configured.
If necessary, the application generates an image based on random code, which can then be used in the backend to validate the form.

- Quick and easy to integrate into any shape
- Length of characters and colors adjustable
- Administrator area in 6 languages. English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
- Multiple installation and configuration possible
- Free for commercial and non-commercial projects

- Integrate the application via the URI contents of the form

- Integrate captcha image into the frontend:
{if $xtrose__captcha}


- Match captcha via the backend:
if (class_exists('xtrose\captcha')) {
$captcha = objects::get('xtrose/captcha');
$post = objects::get('post');
if ($captcha->getValue() !== $post->get('captcha') {
// Error
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