Esta página está basada en APPNET OS y utiliza cookies para personalizar. APPNET OS brinda a los usuarios la capacidad de decidir cómo usar las cookies por sí mismos. Sin embargo, también hay cookies que son necesarias para el funcionamiento de un sitio web. Al utilizar este sitio web, usted acepta el uso de las cookies necesarias.


This file is generated by the APPNET OS CSS Cache.
If the CSS cache is active, APPNET OS collects all CSS files, from all active apps and minimizes them fully automatically into this file.
The minimized file is then integrated into the head area so that it is loaded horizontally.
As a rule, the file is downloaded and cached once by browsers, whereby the traffic is reduced many times over.
If apps are installed, uninstalled, activated or deactivated, then the CSS cache must be emptied via the administrative area so that this file is regenerated the next time it is called.
Apps can be removed from CSS caching if they cause problems when minimizing.